Super Simple Carved Hat Rack

A lot of woodworkers struggle with limited TIME, limited RESOURCES (tools and wood) and limited SKILL. It’s a common issue one that I run into frequently with folks interested in learning the craft, so we decided to turn our suggestions for growth in general woodworking skills into a series.

My friend Josh and I wanted to explore a series of projects using FREE wood, a LIMITED TOOLKIT (axe, knife, saw, drill), and COMPLETE a few projects in a SHORT TIMEFRAME (2 hours or less) that would TEACH important woodworking SKILLS.

This super simple carved hat rack is the first iteration of that idea. Throughout the video we did end up grabbing a few other tools we happened to have, but none of them are necessary to completing this easy beginner project. Important woodworking principles covered in this project are selecting the right FREE wood for the job, splitting and riving useable material taking advantage of natural grain strength and wood's natural beauty, accommodating for wood movement during the drying process, wedging joints, and basic peg joinery. Learn new carving techniques, green woodworking skills, and how to be a bit more resourceful in and around your woodshop or in the woods. Learn to use practical sloyd (Slöjd) and bushcraft methods to create beautiful things for your home.